Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
untenstehende Information zu Ihrer Kenntnis. Insbesondere das Attribut @eventType für das originInfo-Element finde ich im Kontext des DFG-Viewers sehr interessant. Damit könnte die etwas unschöne Konstruktion mit edition=[Electronic ed.] zur Unterscheidung
von Angaben zum Erscheinen der Vorlage und der Digitalisierung expliziter und damit verständlicher kodiert werden.
Was meinen Sie? Sollten wir darüber nachdenken, diese Möglichkeit zumindest alternativ anzubieten?
Viele Grüße
Sebastian Meyer
Sebastian Meyer
> Referatsleiter Digitale Bibliothek
Sächsische Landesbibliothek -
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden
Zellescher Weg 18 // 01069 Dresden
Postanschrift: 01054 Dresden
TEL: +49 351 4677206 // FAX: +49 351 4677711
-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Rebecca Guenther <rguenther52@GMAIL.COM>
Betreff: MODS version 3.5 released
The MOD Editorial Committee and the Library of Congress is pleased to announce that a new incremental version of MODS, version 3.5, is now available on the MODS website at:
This revision is backwards compatible to version 3.4 and therefore only includes changes that do not result in invalidating existing MODS records. A new major revision of MODS to make more substantive changes is currently under discussion.
MODS implementers may want to use this revised version to take advantage of its new features. The changes are as follows:
- Added attribute @unit in mods:extent. This change makes the extent element more granular by separating units from extent.
- Added rfc5646 as value for <language><languageTerm> . Enumerated values reflect earlier standards; RFC5646 has superceded RFC4646.
- Added @altFormat and @contentType attributes to <titleInfo>, <abstract>, <tableOfContents> and <accessCondition>. This change allows for embedding HTML
in MODS, linking with @altRepGrp, and indicating the format of the alternative encoding.
- Added @eventType under <originInfo> to indicate production, publication, distribution, manufacture. This attribute allows for indicating what type of event the statement of originInfo relates
to, e.g. production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or some other event.
- Added @typeURI on <identifier>, <note>, and <physicalDescripton>/<note>. This change allows for indicating that a type is in the form of a URI.
- Added @generator on <classification>. The value of this attribute indicates that the classification number was automatically generated and, if appropriate, how.
- Added<etal> element, a subelement of <name> .
The <etal> subelement is added to the list of <name> subelements to indicate that there are one or more names that, for whatever reason, cannot be explicitily included in another name element.
- Added @otherType to <titleInfo> element. This allows for designating another type value for titleInfo that is not on the list of types enumerated in the schema.
For further information and examples see: Revised versions of the MODS User Guidelines, the MARC to MODS mapping, and the XSLT conversion that incorporate the 3.5
changes will be available on the MODS web site soon.
Please direct any comments or questions on the MODS 3.5 Schema, or MODS/MADS developments in general, to the MODS Listserv <>.
Rebecca Squire Guenther
Chair, MODS Editorial Committee
Library of Congress
Network Development & MARC Standards Office